Income Blog

Let's Face the Facts - Video is Hot!


Being able to give your customers something they can actually see and hear can literally explode your online sales instantly.
There is nothing else that comes close to the effectiveness and persuasion power of a well designed video message. You see it everywhere and now it has become the medium of choice for
many marketers including affiliate marketers.

After all what better way to wow your prospects and customers than to record and publish top notch, streaming videos. When done right this technique will have your customers jumping up and down with excitement to buy the products you are promoting right away.

Believe it or not you don't need extensive training, expensive equipment or software make this work for you. Anyone (even you) can create stunning videos. You can start out with brief introductions and simple product reviews or go all out with site
tours, tutorials and step-by-step presentations.

As with any marketing method there are many ways that you can accomplish your goals and create great videos that your viewers will love.

But for this lesson we are going to focus on making screen capture videos with a software called Camtasia. Now Camtasia isn't a free software but you can download a fully functional trial version of the software at no cost here:

The screen capture process is a lot like having your customers seated next to you and looking at your desktop, as you show them all of the great things that the product you are promoting has to

Camtasia has many great features that make the process as painless as possible. It allows you to record your desktop activity in a single click. You can then use it to easily convert your videos into web pages and a variety of other formats for easy sharing.

There are other things you can do with Camtasia as well. Like redirecting your viewers straight to your affiliate website after they are finished watching the video or putting your url at the end and sending them there if they want more information.

Not to mention all of the free traffic you can get by uploading your videos to video sharing sites like Youtube and Google Video. I know many affiliates who use nothing but video to promote their chosen affiliate programs and make huge commission checks in the process.

Using videos can do so many great things for your affiliate marketing business. It can help minimize miscommunications with your customers. By instantly showing them what they want and helping them clearly understand the product you are representing it will help reduce refunds and other common customer issues that
may arise.

Another good thing about using video is that there isn't too much that can go wrong. You don't have to worry about misspelled words or graphics not showing up when they are supposed to and
the chances of your affiliate links being hijacked are almost non existent. Once you have a great video in place it is there all the time ready to visually show your prospects what you have to offer.

If you aren't using video to promote your affiliate programs I highly recommend you give it a try and while there are other software programs like Windows Movie Maker that you can use to
accomplish the task you may want to check out Camtasia simply because they have a wide variety of easy to follow training videos
that will help you learn everything you need to know about creating your own videos.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

How to Start a Blog for Profit



An online presence is important these days for whatever enterprise you engage in. to connect with a wide variety of people there is no bigger forum than the Internet. If you are looking for a way to show off your expertise and also make a little money while doing it, consider starting a blog.

What is a Blog?

A blog is actually an online journal of sorts. With a blog you can upload daily posts about anything that you want. Some people create personal blogs as a way to keep in touch with family members. Pictures, videos and other information are uploaded so your loved ones are current with what is going on with you.

Here we are going to talk about business blogs. This is a blog that you begin to attract traffic in order to sell products or services. To be interesting to others, your blog will need to:

Have updated content for visitors
Be marketed to draw traffic
Register with search engines so it can be found in the rankings

How to Start

If you are new to blogging, use a free blogging platform to get your feet wet. Sites like,, and others offer free blogs to users. Depending on the site you choose, the themes and plug-ins (added features) will vary. Most will walk you through the process step by step so that you can be up and running in no time.

Before you start posting, decide what will be the theme, or niche of your blog. A jack-of-all-trades type of blog doesn’t do as well as one that is geared towards a certain niche. If you like crafts, that can be your niche. Create posts that talk about how to craft, what to craft, how to make crafting profitable and so on. Once you have decided on a path, it is time to create that great content.

How to Make Money

In order to make money with your blog, you need to have people visiting it. That is where marketing comes in. to draw traffic you have to get the word out about your blog. Tell all of your friends and family members that you are online with your blog for a start.

Any money-making venture will take place once you have built your readership with interesting posts. Then you can put into play a number of profitable additions:

Google AdSense
Selling Advertising
Affiliate Marketing
EBook Marketing

The simplest one to pursue is Google AdSense. You are using targeted advertisements to create revenue for your blog. You are paid per clicks on the ads.

There are other options where you can get paid when someone makes a sale on that website. That is more likely to happen when you join an affiliate program. Join affiliate program that work well with your website niche.

EBooks are short downloadable electronic books that you can create yourself and sell on your website. They can be on a variety of subjects but in order for them to sell, you must be able to offer new information to your customers.

Blogs can be used to build revenue. Start with your chosen niche and market your blog to find the traffic you need. Then, utilize these ideas to turn a profit.


Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

4 Secrets to Article Marketing You Need to Know


Let’s say you started up your own business. The only way for the business to succeed rather than fail is for you to promote it.  You can do this by paying for advertisements or get the same attention for free through article marketing. To help you get started, here are 3 secrets.

1. First, you must come up with a catchy title to promote your business. Ever heard the line, “Curiosity killed the cat”, in this case no one is going to get hurt. But could you just imagine what would happen if people would like to know more about the article just by reading the title? It would also be helpful if you use keywords so people who type it will see your article. At the same time, you can mention the benefits of what reading your articles can do for them.

2. Second, make sure that your article is well organized. Instead of just writing your article paragraph by paragraph, maximize the use bullets or numbers to stress important points. This will make their reading experience a memorable one because they are able to remember it.

3. Third, your articles have to be informative and not just impress the reader. You can do so by using simple words instead of using big ones by putting this in a way that the average person can understand. You may have had an experience at the hospital where the doctor told you of your condition using some medical term that sounds serious but in English simply means you have a stomach ache.

Once you finish writing the article, read it over and see if you understand it. Better yet, give this to someone and see what they say. If there are some concerns, edit it because although you may be an expert in this matter, your readers may not and the reason why they want to read it is to learn more about what you have to offer.

Don’t forget to check on your article to see if there is anything new you would like to add. This is where variety comes in as there are different ways of stressing a point when the bottom line is that you want people to visit your site.

You can get new information by joining and posting in online forums and blogs. Some even put snippets in their articles. You should add something daily and don’t forget to put a link to your site.

4. Lastly, each article has an article summary. Most websites require this so in just 3 or 5 sentences, get down to it and say what your article is all about and why should they spend their time reading the entire thing. If you don’t put any effort here, you may have already lost the opportunity to make it look interesting for the reader to find out more.

Promoting your site thought article marketing is very easy. You just have to follow the 4 secrets mentioned and then use this to your advantage. Again, you need to have a catchy title, make sure it is well organized and informative so people will be encouraged to visit your site.

If done properly, you will undoubtedly get more traffic which is what this form of advertising is all about.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.
  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

It's all about the traffic


No blog survives without traffic. More so, less traffic only means that the content is not that good. However, there are also instances wherein a great blog does not have enough traffic. The key in getting traffic is to come up with a strategy and make everyone notice your blog. There are a few things that you need to consider with regards to generating traffic to your blog and these are not that different from planning a regular Web site.

The only exception is that blogs can generate traffic a lot faster. What you only need to consider first is your target audience and where exactly you are generating your blog’s traffic.

The Content

The content of your blog is very important. It is the reason why people visit your blog. Try to make your blog interesting and learn to master the ideas included in your blog. The content should also be relevant and of high value to the audience. Find out what your audience wants and if what you are writing satisfy them.
The content is especially important if you are planning sales from your blog. Firstly, you must become a trust-worthy and credible source of information before people try the product. Blogs are excellent medium for sales since they allow you to connect and converse through the use of the content. You must realize that without a great content, your blog cannot fully achieve power and leverage against others.

In order to gain audience for your content, remember not to publish infrequently. Additionally, do not criticize others if you do not have facts to support your claim and references for those facts. If you criticize, do it in an objective non-personal manner. What you can do is to publish often and make sure that the entry you are about to publish is meaningful and of high-value. Lastly, be yourself to help your audience relate to you but do not reveal any private information.

The Ping

Some bloggers take the extra mile just to ping and do not solely rely on the blog software pings. The blog software pings’ job is to update the servers for the purpose of announcing your content updates. Search engines and blog directories then checks these update servers for the latest updates; this is the reason why your blog’s content gets into search engines quickly.
Pings make blogs excellent search engine optimization tools. There are even instances where it only takes a day before your content gets into search engines. However, your blog’s content will only take hours to a few days to get into most search engines, on average.

When starting a blog, always check the instructions included. There might be section wherein you can turn on the blog software ping automatically, which activates on the background. By doing so, whenever you publish content in your blog, it will instantly transmit ping updates.

RSS feeds are also important. Not only will you be able to publish your content within a short duration but also replicate your content through the use of your RSS feed. Nowadays, the flow of your content is real-time and the RSS allows you to show your content to a wider audience.

There are several ways to promote your blog. However, keep in mind that there is no strategy for quick money when it comes to profitable blogging. It requires dedication, time, a strategy for the content and patience before the cash starts flowing in.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

4 Secrets to Article Marketing

Let’s say you started up your own business. The only way for the business to succeed rather than fail is for you to promote it.  You can do this by paying for advertisements or get the same attention for free through article marketing. To help you get started, here are 3 secrets.

1. First, you must come up with a catchy title to promote your business. Ever heard the line, “Curiosity killed the cat”, in this case no one is going to get hurt. But could you just imagine what would happen if people would like to know more about the article just by reading the title? It would also be helpful if you use keywords so people who type it will see your article. At the same time, you can mention the benefits of what reading your articles can do for them.

2. Second, make sure that your article is well organized. Instead of just writing your article paragraph by paragraph, maximize the use bullets or numbers to stress important points. This will make their reading experience a memorable one because they are able to remember it.

3. Third, your articles have to be informative and not just impress the reader. You can do so by using simple words instead of using big ones by putting this in a way that the average person can understand. You may have had an experience at the hospital where the doctor told you of your condition using some medical term that sounds serious but in English simply means you have a stomach ache.

Once you finish writing the article, read it over and see if you understand it. Better yet, give this to someone and see what they say. If there are some concerns, edit it because although you may be an expert in this matter, your readers may not and the reason why they want to read it is to learn more about what you have to offer.

Don’t forget to check on your article to see if there is anything new you would like to add. This is where variety comes in as there are different ways of stressing a point when the bottom line is that you want people to visit your site.

You can get new information by joining and posting in online forums and blogs. Some even put snippets in their articles. You should add something daily and don’t forget to put a link to your site.

4. Lastly, each article has an article summary. Most websites require this so in just 3 or 5 sentences, get down to it and say what your article is all about and why should they spend their time reading the entire thing. If you don’t put any effort here, you may have already lost the opportunity to make it look interesting for the reader to find out more.

Promoting your site thought article marketing is very easy. You just have to follow the 4 secrets mentioned and then use this to your advantage. Again, you need to have a catchy title, make sure it is well organized and informative so people will be encouraged to visit your site.

If done properly, you will undoubtedly get more traffic which is what this form of advertising is all about.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.
  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

All about the Traffic

No blog survives without traffic. More so, less traffic only means that the content is not that good. However, there are also instances wherein a great blog does not have enough traffic. The key in getting traffic is to come up with a strategy and make everyone notice your blog. There are a few things that you need to consider with regards to generating traffic to your blog and these are not that different from planning a regular Web site.

The only exception is that blogs can generate traffic a lot faster. What you only need to consider first is your target audience and where exactly you are generating your blog’s traffic.

The Content

The content of your blog is very important. It is the reason why people visit your blog. Try to make your blog interesting and learn to master the ideas included in your blog. The content should also be relevant and of high value to the audience. Find out what your audience wants and if what you are writing satisfy them.
The content is especially important if you are planning sales from your blog. Firstly, you must become a trust-worthy and credible source of information before people try the product. Blogs are excellent medium for sales since they allow you to connect and converse through the use of the content. You must realize that without a great content, your blog cannot fully achieve power and leverage against others.

In order to gain audience for your content, remember not to publish infrequently. Additionally, do not criticize others if you do not have facts to support your claim and references for those facts. If you criticize, do it in an objective non-personal manner. What you can do is to publish often and make sure that the entry you are about to publish is meaningful and of high-value. Lastly, be yourself to help your audience relate to you but do not reveal any private information.

The Ping

Some bloggers take the extra mile just to ping and do not solely rely on the blog software pings. The blog software pings’ job is to update the servers for the purpose of announcing your content updates. Search engines and blog directories then checks these update servers for the latest updates; this is the reason why your blog’s content gets into search engines quickly.
Pings make blogs excellent search engine optimization tools. There are even instances where it only takes a day before your content gets into search engines. However, your blog’s content will only take hours to a few days to get into most search engines, on average.

When starting a blog, always check the instructions included. There might be section wherein you can turn on the blog software ping automatically, which activates on the background. By doing so, whenever you publish content in your blog, it will instantly transmit ping updates.

RSS feeds are also important. Not only will you be able to publish your content within a short duration but also replicate your content through the use of your RSS feed. Nowadays, the flow of your content is real-time and the RSS allows you to show your content to a wider audience.

There are several ways to promote your blog. However, keep in mind that there is no strategy for quick money when it comes to profitable blogging. It requires dedication, time, a strategy for the content and patience before the cash starts flowing in.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

Let's face the facts. Video is HOT!

Being able to give your customers something they can actually see and hear can literally explode your online sales instantly.
There is nothing else that comes close to the effectiveness and persuasion power of a well designed video message. You see it everywhere and now it has become the medium of choice for
many marketers including affiliate marketers.

After all what better way to wow your prospects and customers than to record and publish top notch, streaming videos. When done right this technique will have your customers jumping up and down with excitement to buy the products you are promoting right away.

Believe it or not you don't need extensive training, expensive equipment or software make this work for you. Anyone (even you) can create stunning videos. You can start out with brief introductions and simple product reviews or go all out with site
tours, tutorials and step-by-step presentations.

As with any marketing method there are many ways that you can accomplish your goals and create great videos that your viewers will love.

But for this lesson we are going to focus on making screen capture videos with a software called Camtasia. Now Camtasia isn't a free software but you can download a fully functional trial version of the software at no cost here:

The screen capture process is a lot like having your customers seated next to you and looking at your desktop, as you show them all of the great things that the product you are promoting has to

Camtasia has many great features that make the process as painless as possible. It allows you to record your desktop activity in a single click. You can then use it to easily convert your videos into web pages and a variety of other formats for easy sharing.

There are other things you can do with Camtasia as well. Like redirecting your viewers straight to your affiliate website after they are finished watching the video or putting your url at the end and sending them there if they want more information.

Not to mention all of the free traffic you can get by uploading your videos to video sharing sites like Youtube and Google Video. I know many affiliates who use nothing but video to promote their chosen affiliate programs and make huge commission checks in the process.

Using videos can do so many great things for your affiliate marketing business. It can help minimize miscommunications with your customers. By instantly showing them what they want and helping them clearly understand the product you are representing it will help reduce refunds and other common customer issues that
may arise.

Another good thing about using video is that there isn't too much that can go wrong. You don't have to worry about misspelled words or graphics not showing up when they are supposed to and
the chances of your affiliate links being hijacked are almost non existent. Once you have a great video in place it is there all the time ready to visually show your prospects what you have to offer.

If you aren't using video to promote your affiliate programs I highly recommend you give it a try and while there are other software programs like Windows Movie Maker that you can use to
accomplish the task you may want to check out Camtasia simply because they have a wide variety of easy to follow training videos
that will help you learn everything you need to know about creating your own videos.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

Basic Guideline about Article Directories

The Internet has given birth to a new way and purpose to article writing. It used to be solely for the love of the craft and the glee that a writer feels when their work gets published. But the cyber world has created concepts like article directories that prompted business people to think about articles in a different way.

Marketing Your Biz
Have you ever tried writing articles for directory sites? The first thing that you have to do is to establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field of interest. This doesn't actually mean your personal choice but rather the one related to whatever your line of business is.

You see, this is all about spreading the word out about your business and promoting your products and services. But you will not do such task in a bold manner. Creating articles is a subtle way to let people know about you, get interested with the information that you are giving or writing about, then click on the link that you provide them with.

Why is it important to write good contents? Not because you can submit to these directories for free means that you will no longer care about the quality of your work. You need to get readers' attention. And the only way to do that is by giving them what they want. You must give them useful information that they would definitely like to know.

You must have them hooked on what you wrote for them to take interest to click the link that you will provide on your author's bio space. That link will lead your probable clients to your own web site. And there you can sing a different tune. That is the time you have to aim for the sale.

Basic Guide
You will actually find a lot of free submission sites once you delve on the task of looking for such. There are certain guidelines to each site. But here are some of the basic ones that can help you prepare and start on your articles.

1. Word count
Be very careful with this aspect. Some submission sites will reject your articles for the mere fact that you lacked some words in your piece. While others allow 300 word count for the articles, most sites prefer a minimum of 500.

2. Avoid spamming
Choose a category where you think your articles will best fit in. Do not post your material on multiple categories for each site. This will result to spamming and the site can ban you for such act.

3. URL
Read carefully what the site's guideline is about placing your URLs. Some may allow this to be included on the body. And other sites would only accept URLs if these are included on the author's bio box.

4. Language
Basically, the language of your articles must be in English. You can use other languages and look for submission sites catering to such market. This can be done if you really want to broaden the reach of your materials.

You must remain professional sounding when it comes to your work. Do not use any obscene language as this may be taken as a negative thing against you.

Choose the right article directories that you will be submitting your materials to. You can check the web page rankings on Google and Alexa to gain more knowledge if such sites have high traffic or not.


Huge Affiliate Payout!

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.

How article marketing has changed online research

Article marketing has become an overnight online sensation. Before, the use of articles for promoting products and services is only done through newsletters and leaflets that are being distributed through mail or through flyer giving. Article marketing has also crossed over to the newspapers and magazines with more and more articles coming from companies that have products to promote.
In recent years however, article marketing has been widely used over the internet to also sell products, lend credibility to the site and to increase the site rank in search engines. Article marketing now does not only promote products, it also promotes the site itself. Through the use of these articles, the rank of the site in search engines like Google and Yahoo, will increase. 
The use of article marketing is actually one of the reasons why the world wide web has become a treasure throve of information. In order to promote their sites, site developers and owners will need to submit fresh materials everyday. This will increase their page views fro site visitors as well as improve their site rank. With your website appearing in the first page of a search engine result, you are guaranteed more views and of course the support of online advertisers.
But the wide use of articles for site rank has made the quality of the articles suffer. Just look at the way article are written when you click the sites in the search engine results. Most will have the same exact content as the other. Some may not be the verbatim version but the principles and essence of the article is the same. A lot of them will have typos on the articles as well as misspellings. Articles are also not well-written. They will have structure problems, cohesion problems and of course mistakes in grammar.
Another problem with the articles found over the internet as a result of article marketing is the absence of a byline. Without a byline, the articles will not have any credibility and reliability. When before medical topics are written by doctors, now most of them will only be done by individuals who also research over the internet.
Because the idea of the websites is to promote their sites and to increase the rank, they are coming up with articles that are written just for the heck of it. They are not anymore in the mission of providing information to readers. What they are doing is for their benefit. This is why some of these websites will also feature information that are unreliable.
Only a couple of websites feature articles that are bylined. There are also sites that may not have any bylines but are being kept by people who are experts in the field. This is why it is also important to check the websites first before you cite them for your research. Sites that are being maintained by the government will of course have pretty reliable content. The same goes with international organizations like those of the United Nations. Some local sites being run by non-profit organization also have reliable content. Medical sites that are maintained by universities and hospitals are also great sources of information.
Before you research over the internet, check your sources. Article marketing online has definitely changed the way we do research. It might have made researching easier but it made discriminating harder.
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Huge Affiliate Payout! 

Earn $24 for each sign up!  This affiliate program will give your financials a real boost!

2-Step Process to Get Started.

  1. Get your FREE account at PayLoadz
  2. Search for the Affiliate Program “10,000 in 21 days” using the      PayLoadz search tool and sign up.