Income Blog

Choosing an Article Marketing Service Provider

Writing an article is one thing but did you know that you must also choose wisely the article marketing service provider as well? This is because there are hundreds of these scattered on the web and some of these are illegitimate.

The first thing you have to do is figuring out which one of these providers are well known across the web. Some of the well known ones are and You can post as many articles as you want and the best part is that you don’t have to pay a single cent to become a member.

The articles posted should also be accessible by the major search engines. This means that articles submitted to the provider should easily be found by people who type in certain keywords using the search. If it doesn’t, there is no point submitting it since no one will be able to find it.

Some article marketing providers tell you that they will post your article in several sites if you decide to pay a certain fee. That’s great if the sites that will post this in have high traffic. One way of checking that out is going to a site like Alexa.

Alexa monitors website traffic. If the names of the sites they will promote it are not that popular, don’t waste your money signing up with them.

An article marketing service provider should be able to reach a specific audience with what you are going to upload to them. This is the reason that you have to submit these in the correct category. It’s okay if you make a mistake since they will fix it but if they don’t have this kind of system, you better look elsewhere.

Will the article marketing service provider edit the article? Some do while some don’t. But since this is your piece, it is only right that you should be the only one to do it. For those who are lazy, then perhaps this is okay. They might even translate the article into different languages so people from different dialects may also understand it. This means additional revenue for new if you are able to sell your product or service to other countries.

Articles can only be found through keywords. You should also check if the article marketing service provider uses the same to promote your articles online. After all, not everyone subscribes to information from the article marketing service provider that you have chosen.

The ideal article marketing service provider should be able to acknowledge the fact when you upload articles and when these have been approved. This will tell you right away if what you have written is already available for people to see or if some changes need to be made. Again, if they can’t do that you are better off working with another provider than can do everything that was mentioned in this article.

You only want to work with an article marketing service provider that cares about your success. After all it is supposed to be a win-win situation since they advertise in your webpage and you get to post as many articles as you want for free. To avoid wasting your time and being scammed, just follow the guidelines mentioned and everything will be just fine.

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